Basics of Pointers In C

Pointers in C A pointer is a variable which contains the address of the variable specified. for example: int x = 100; int *data; data = &x; this variable data contains the address of the block in the memory which contains the value 100. * specifies that this is the pointer variable. & gives the address. that is the what I am doing here assigning the address of the integer variable x to the pointer variable data. to get the data from the pointers we have to use the * sign. for the previous example to get the data of the memory block of the printf("%d\n",*data ); this should print the output like the image. Further digging into deep for the pointers. we can use them for the array. if we change content in the memory block pointed by the data, then this change should reflect the in the content of the x. Because variable x has the content of that memory block. (this is the great advantage of the using the pointers) we can read, change anything without copying the dat...