Blackjack Console game program in Python

Console Games Games that can be played using the console. Here is the program for the Blackjack Game of the cards. BlackJack Game Blackjack is the American variant of a globally popular banking game known as Twenty-One. in this game, one player has to make the total sum of their hands to lower than 21 to win while another player has the total sum is 21 or more, All the cards greater than 10 are considered as the 10 and Ace is considered as the 11 or 1 depending on conditions. The person who has less total of the cards is the winner (one player should have scored more than 21). import random class blackJack: player1Hand = 0 player2Hand = 0 deck ={'Ace of Spades':1, '2 of Spades':2, '3 of Spades':3, '4 of Spades':4, '5 of Spades':5, '6 of Spades':6, '7 of Spades':7, '8 of Spades':8, '9 of Spades':9, '10 of Spades':10, 'Jack of Spades':10, 'Queen of Spades':10, 'King of ...