
Showing posts with the label elementtree

XML parsing in Python3 (working with ElementTree)

XML Parsing in Python3 XML : XML stands for the eXtensible Markup Language. It was designed for data transport and data storage. It was designed for both Human and machine readable. That's enough for the introduction. Let's start working. First of all the XML file that we are working on. <messages>   <note id="501">     <to>Tove</to>     <from>Jani</from>     <heading>Reminder</heading>     <body>This is code in cafe</body>   </note>   <note id="502">     <to>Jani</to>     <from>Tove</from>     <heading>Re: Reminder</heading>     <body>I will not</body>   </note> </messages> We are using this file as an example XML file, name this file as the "example.xml". Let's start working with the python3. to Parse the XML by the python first, we have to import a module named  xml.etree.ElementTree import xml.etree.ElementTr