Facts needs to know before investing in Mutual funds in India

In this post, we are learning about the facts that are needed before investing in any mutual funds. First Of All, let's talk about what is Mutual Funds. Mutual Funds Introduction Mutual Funds are professionally managed by expert Fund Managers after extensive market research for the benefit of investors. A mutual fund is an inexpensive way for investors to get a full-time professional fund manager to manage their money. WARNING: Mutual funds are a market of risks. Investors should do its own research. There are a few things you need to remember in case of mutual funds in India. SIP/One Time Risk Level NAV (Net Asset Value) Exit Load Is it good or not? So we will discuss one by one. SIP/One Time This is a type of money investing like how you want to invest the money on a monthly basis or in a single time. According to expert opinion, one who is a beginner in this market should start with SIP because it can work in the fluctuating market. Risk Level There are several leve...