Facts needs to know before investing in Mutual funds in India

In this post, we are learning about the facts that are needed before investing in any mutual funds.

First Of All, let's talk about what is Mutual Funds.
Mutual Funds


Mutual Funds are professionally managed by expert Fund Managers after extensive market research for the benefit of investors. A mutual fund is an inexpensive way for investors to get a full-time professional fund manager to manage their money.

WARNING: Mutual funds are a market of risks. Investors should do its own research.

There are a few things you need to remember in case of mutual funds in India.

  1. SIP/One Time
  2. Risk Level
  3. NAV (Net Asset Value)
  4. Exit Load 
  5. Is it good or not?
So we will discuss one by one.

SIP/One Time

This is a type of money investing like how you want to invest the money on a monthly basis or in a single time.
According to expert opinion, one who is a beginner in this market should start with SIP because it can work in the fluctuating market.

Risk Level

There are several levels of the risks in the mutual fund market. You should check it's risk before investing.
According to expert, in the beginning, start with low or moderate risk funds.

Exit Load 

This is the main and important thing to check in mutual funds because in case if you have to get your funds out of the market then what is the fee applicable.
If you are not rich enough then choose funds with low exit load.
Note: There are some funds which have the exit load ZERO.


This is the Net Asset Value of that mutual fund at the current time. This is what actually shows your current progress.

Is it good or not

Investing your money is a good future plan. But investing in the right funds or place is more important than investing.
So please do your own research about the company you are investing in.

I personally recommend Groww App on play store and a Website. They have pretty good UI and function to choose from. Investing cost is zero there and no need for any paperwork (this blog is not funded or sponsored by groww app).

Final Thoughts

I know this is my first blog other than programming but I thought this may help you invest your money in right place.

As a beginner this app helps you a lot searching right funds, Invest when market is low and sell when market is high.

Thanks for here. 
Keep reading Bye,


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