Learning C language part 2 Basics of C

Welcome to the second part of this Series of C language. In this series, we will start with the basic of C language. Previous post Environment Setup Text Editor Install any of the text editor available in the market, suggestion consist of the Sublime Text Editor, notepad++ etc. I have been using Sublime Text Editor. Compiler Install the compiler if you have not previously then check out this post. Installing C/C++ (GCC) compiler On Windows Basics of C Before starting anything lets take a look at the minimum code required to run a C program. Now we are going to do the Most famous ritual of the programming, Program of Hello World. #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0; } save this program as the hello.c this will give output as like Comments in C comment is of two types in C. first // this is single line comment in c Second, /* this is multiline comment in c language */ Semicolons in C A semicolon terminates the ...