Learning C language part 1 - Introduction to C
Welcome to this tutorial series Learning C language.
In this tutorial series, we start very easily with C language and learn it's concept easily and efficiently.
We will learn by doing not by just the learning things and forgetting and again learning and forgetting. So to strengthen our concept we will do some example each tutorial so it will help us to build some experience and make our concept stronger.
Remember with the Practice and Hard Work you can achieve anything in this so keep practicing Guys.

After the startup motivation now we will start with the introduction of the C language.
Note: I will try to keep tutorial short and easy so that they won't bother you of being too lengthy.
Soooo without wasting much time let's start the tutorial.

Originally the development of C was not the purpose of its founders. In fact, different conditions and problems created ideal conditions for its construction. In the 1960s, Dennis Ritchie, who was an employee of Bell Labs (AT & T), was working with some of his colleagues to develop an operating system, which could be used simultaneously by many users. This operating system was known as Multics.
C language was initially developed to be used in UNIX operating system.
Since then C language is a most used programming language.
Let's make some point of the important thing.
- C language was evolved from the languages ALGOL, BCPL, B.
- C language was designed to get the low-level access to memory and efficiently maps to the machine instructions.
- It is a structured programming language.
- More than one assignment may be performed in a single statement of C language.
- By 1973, after inclusion of struct keyword C language is powerful enough so that most of the UNIX Kernel is now written in C.
In 1978 Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie published a book known as The C Programming Language. This book, known to C programmers as "K&R". Several things were introduced in this book like.
- Standard I/O library
- unsigned int data types
- long int data types
- Compound assignment operators of the form =operator (such as =-) were changed to the form operator= (that is, -=) to remove the semantic ambiguity created by constructs such as i=-10, which had been interpreted as i =- 10 (decrement i by 10) instead of the possibly intended i = -10 (i assign -10).
Since then three main versions of C language has been released which are, C99, C11, C18.
Latest version C18 was released in June 2018. This introduction is enough, for Now, we will discuss more whenever necessary.
From the next tutorial, we will start the Basics of C language.
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