Learn Making Software (GUI) with Python3 Part-1 Installing Python3

Welcome to Python3 Tutorials 

Python is Very Simple and powerful Language Designed and developed By Guido Van Rossum.


Lets straight ahead to our goal installing the python package.
our tutorials are based on the python3 language (a new version of python)

Installing Python3

For Linux

In most of the distribution of Linux python3 and python2 are already installed like Kali Linux and Ubuntu so we are skipping this portion if you have any problem you can comment in the comment section below.

For Windows/Mac

In order to install python3 in our mac and windows machine we have to download appropriate package from the Python language's official website, you can find it here Python3 Download.

After downloading the Package double click on it for installing it in our machine. 

Then a pop up comes like that Image there.

Just do recommend for the usual installation of the package.
double click

"You can do some customization if you have knowledge", but for the beginner level just rely on the default installation of this package.
Now you are good to go for your First python3 program.

Any queries and comment go in the comment section.
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