How to Create Linked List in C/C++

Here is the Code to create linked list

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Node{
int data;
struct Node *next;

typedef struct Node *node;

node createNewNode(){
node temp;
temp = (node)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); // allocate memory equal memory as the size using malloc()
temp->next = NULL;// make next point to NULL (suppose this as last node)
return temp;

node addNode(node head, int value){
node tmp,p;
tmp = createNewNode();
tmp->data = value;
if(head == NULL){
head = tmp;
p = head;
while(p->next != NULL){
p = p->next;
p->next = tmp;
return head;

int main()
node head = NULL;
head = addNode(head,2);
head = addNode(head,3);
head = addNode(head,5);
head = addNode(head,8);
node p;
p = head;
while(p != NULL){
p = p->next;

return 0;

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